Time: 0 minObjectives
To understand how to work with lists
What are Lists?
Lists are just like the arrays, declared in other languages which is a ordered collection of data. It is very flexible as the items in a list do not need to be of the same type.
Creating a List
Lists in Python can be created by just placing the sequence inside the square brackets[].
Accessing elements of a List
In order to access the list items, we use the index number. For example- we can access the third element by typing list[2]. In Python, negative sequence indexes represent positions from the end of the array. That is -1 refers to the last item, -2 refers to the second-last item, etc.
Indexing in python always starts from 0. In the below example, the index of 12 is 0.
pantry= ['flour',' baking powder','salt','white sugar','milk','egg','butter','cheese','yeast','vanilla extract','oregano','maple syrup','strawberry jam']
print(pantry) #Prints list
print(pantry[0]) #Prints 1st element in the list
print(pantry[1:5]) #Prints 2nd to 5th elements in the list
print(pantry[4:]) #Prints all the elements after 4
print(pantry[-1]) #Prints the last element
Removing elements from a List
We use the inbuilt methods del(), pop(),remove().
pantry_1= ['flour',' baking powder','salt','white sugar','milk','egg','butter','cheese','yeast','vanilla extract','oregano','maple syrup','strawberry jam']
del(pantry_1[4]) #Delets the 5th element in the list
pantry_1.remove('milk') #Removes the element 22. Remove command removes the first matching element
pantry_1.pop(1) #Pops the element present on the first index
Other Operations with list
pantry= ['flour',' baking powder','salt','white sugar','milk','egg','butter','cheese','yeast','vanilla extract','oregano','maple syrup','strawberry jam']
new_items=['pepper','yeast','cinnamon','chilli flakes','oregano']
print(len(pantry)) # The len() function is used to get the length of the list
updated_pantry= pantry + new_items #Adding/Concatenating two lists
print(updated_pantry[-3:]) #Prints last 3 elements
#Checking if an element is present in the list
'pepper' in updated_pantry #The 'in' statement checks whether certain element is present in the list or not. If the element is present it returns True else False
'yeast' in updated_pantry
'salt' not in updated_pantry #Similar to 'in' statement
#Min Max Function
#Adding value to the list
lis6.append(56) #Appends only one element at the end of the list
lis6.extend([11,2,33]) #Appends multiple elements at the end of the list
updated_pantry.append('olive oil')
updated_pantry.extend(['Mayonnaise','Cream Cheese','Honey'])
lis6.insert(0,90) #Inserts element at the mentioned index
#Sorting elements in a list
lis7.sort() #Sorts elements in ascending order
#Sorted function
print(sorted(lis8)) #Prints the sorted list
print(lis8) #Prints the original list. Sorted function doesnot change the original list whereas sort function does
#Reassigning a list
lis8[0]=100 #Assigns index 0 as 100
Applications of List
- Lists support sequential access so they can be used to store recipes and instructions that need to be followed in order.
- They are also used in Databases
Key Points