Introduction to Python

This workshop focuses on the basic level aspects of python like- variables, loops, data structures and string manipulation. The workshop is designed to help non-programmers, or programmers switching to python.

We will be using Jupyter notebook for this workshop. For instructions regarding the installation of Jupyter, please Navigate to the Setup page

Workshop goals

Problem Solving (“Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist- Allen B. Downey”)

Workshop Content

Section Overview Time Estimate
Setup download and setup required software. Download data files/other required set up files 5 min
Introduction Introduction to Python(What, Where amd Who) 5 min
Variables To understand variables and the rules of naming variables 6 min
Inputs and Outputs To understand inputs and outputs in python 4 min
Datatypes Learn about data types in python 15 min
Operations Learn about basic operations in python 10 min
Conditional Statements and Flow control Understand Conditional Statements and Control Flow statements 22 min
Functions To understand how to use functions in python. 5 min
Lists To understand how to work with lists 36 min
Tuples To understand the concept of Tuples in python 9 min
Dictionaries To understand the concept of dictionaries 20 min
Sets Understand how sets work in python 9 min
String Manipulation To use python functions to manipulate strings 20 min


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Next Up…

Check out these workshops after you’ve completed this one:

  1. Text mining using Python