

Time: 0 min
  • Learn about basic operations in python

Operations in python

Operators are used to perform modifications on variables. We have different types of operations in python

Arithmetic Operators

These operators are used to perform basic mathematic operations on variables of numeric type.


print(x+y) # print the sum of x and y
print(x-y) # subtraction
print(x*y) # multiplication
print(x/y) #simple division
print(x**y) # print exponential product(x to the power of y)
print(x//y) # floor division
print(x%y) #modulus

Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

x = 6	
x += 2	#similar to x = x + 2	
x -= 2		#similar to x = x - 2	
x *= 2		#similar to x = x * 2	
x /= 2		#similar to x = x / 2	
x %= 2		#similar to x = x % 2	
x //= 2	#similar to x = x // 2	
x **= 2	  #similar to x = x ** 2	
x &= 2	  #similar to x = x & 2	
x |= 2	  #similar to x = x | 2	
x ^= 2	  #similar to x = x ^ 2	
x >>= 2	  #similar to x = x >> 2	
x <<= 2	  #similar to x = x << 2

Comparision Operators

Comparision operators are used to compare two values.

print(x == y)	# checks if x is equal to y
print(x != y) # checks if x is not equal to y	
print(x > y) # checks if x is greater than y	
print(x < y) # checks if x is less than y	
print(x >= y) # checks if x is greater that or equal to y
print(x <= y) # checks if x is less than or equal to y.

Note: In all of the above cases, the result is of boolean type(True or False)

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to perform operations on conditional statements.

print(x==5 and y==10) # performs AND operation on the results of the comparision operators(True and True)
print(x==5 or y!=10) # performs OR operation on the results of the comparision operators(True or False)
print(not(x==5)) # reverses the result of the comparision operation.

Identity Operators

Identity operators are used to check if the objects are same based on the memeory allocation-

print(z is y) # returns True as z is the same object as y
print(z is x) # returns False as z is not the same object as x
print(z is not x) # returns True as z is not the same object as x

Membership Operators

Membership operators are used to check if a sequence is present in an object

print("Hub" in x)# prints True, as "Hub" is in list x
print(2 not in x)# prints True, as 2 is not in list x

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