Time: 0 minObjectives
Learn about basic operations in python
Operations in python
Operators are used to perform modifications on variables. We have different types of operations in python
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Identity operators
- Membership operators
Arithmetic Operators
These operators are used to perform basic mathematic operations on variables of numeric type.
print(x+y) # print the sum of x and y
print(x-y) # subtraction
print(x*y) # multiplication
print(x/y) #simple division
print(x**y) # print exponential product(x to the power of y)
print(x//y) # floor division
print(x%y) #modulus
Assignment Operators
Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.
x = 6
x += 2 #similar to x = x + 2
x -= 2 #similar to x = x - 2
x *= 2 #similar to x = x * 2
x /= 2 #similar to x = x / 2
x %= 2 #similar to x = x % 2
x //= 2 #similar to x = x // 2
x **= 2 #similar to x = x ** 2
x &= 2 #similar to x = x & 2
x |= 2 #similar to x = x | 2
x ^= 2 #similar to x = x ^ 2
x >>= 2 #similar to x = x >> 2
x <<= 2 #similar to x = x << 2
Comparision Operators
Comparision operators are used to compare two values.
print(x == y) # checks if x is equal to y
print(x != y) # checks if x is not equal to y
print(x > y) # checks if x is greater than y
print(x < y) # checks if x is less than y
print(x >= y) # checks if x is greater that or equal to y
print(x <= y) # checks if x is less than or equal to y.
Note: In all of the above cases, the result is of boolean type(True or False)
Logical Operators
Logical operators are used to perform operations on conditional statements.
print(x==5 and y==10) # performs AND operation on the results of the comparision operators(True and True)
print(x==5 or y!=10) # performs OR operation on the results of the comparision operators(True or False)
print(not(x==5)) # reverses the result of the comparision operation.
Identity Operators
Identity operators are used to check if the objects are same based on the memeory allocation-
print(z is y) # returns True as z is the same object as y
print(z is x) # returns False as z is not the same object as x
print(z is not x) # returns True as z is not the same object as x
Membership Operators
Membership operators are used to check if a sequence is present in an object
print("Hub" in x)# prints True, as "Hub" is in list x
print(2 not in x)# prints True, as 2 is not in list x
Key Points