Inputs and Outputs


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Collect user input

The ‘input’ method provides an easy way to collect user input.

name= input('What is your name?')

In python, all inputs are stored as strings. You can change the data type using type casting

number = input("Enter a number")
number= int(number)

Output in Python

You can display output using python

name = "Digital Scholarship Hub"

print(f'Hello {name}! How are you?')

Using % Operator

We can use ‘%’ operator. % values are replaced with zero or more value of elements.

num = int(input("Enter a value: "))

print("The number is %d" %num)

Comments in Python:

Comments are texts starting with ‘#’ that are sprinked in the code. Python ignores these sentences while compilation. Comments are a great tool to -

r = int(input())
v= (4/3)*(3.14)*(r**3)

r = int(input()) #reading input, i.e radius
v= (4/3)*(3.14)*(r**3) #calculate volume
print(v) #print volume

Multiline comments

To comments multiple lines, we can insert a # at the beginning of every line

# this is
# to demonstrate
# multiline comments in python

Or, we can use a multiline string. We is triple quotes(‘’’ ……. ‘’’) for multiline string comments

the following loop prints 
the value of the variable i, 
as long as it is less that 5
while i<6:

Key Points