This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Reproducible Projects in RStudio

What are the features in RStudio beyond running R scripts and can help you keep your research project organized? This hands on workshop covers advice for project management in R, working with R project files and using Git version control in RStudio with the aim of making your projects easier to share and more reproducible. 

This workshop uses the project files and adapted version of the paper: “Trier social stress test and food-choice: Behavioral, self-report & hormonal data.” by authors Nitsch, F. J., Sellitto, M., & Kalenscher, T. published in Data in brief in 2021 with permission of the authors for instruction purposes. The paper DOI is

Workshop goals


Some familiarity and previous work with R and RStudio is recommended, but not required.

Workshop Content

Section Overview Time Estimate
Setup Before the workshop download and setup required software. 0:15 min
Good Practices for Managing Projects in RStudio * Best pratices for working on research projects involving data. * The purpose of using .Rproj files. * Backup strategies for projects * Using version control hosting platforms. 0:40 min
Getting your project set up with version control in RSTudio * Copy an existing project on Github to make contributions * Open a project with Git versioning in RStudio * Learn the basics of Git - pull, add, commit, push * Make a first edit in a verison controlled project 0:40 min
Editing & Versioning * Exercises for editing, adding and committing to version control 0:10 min (optional)
Collaborating via GitHub *Authenticate with Github * Connecting your project to Github. * Make changes locally and push them to Github. 0:10

Workshop Recording


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Next Up…

Check out these workshops after you’ve completed this one:

  1. Introduction to R Markdown
  2. Working with Data in R with Tidyverse