This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Workshop Title: Ignore this file for now, old template requires that it exisits to compile.

Ignore this file for now, old template requires that it exisits to compile.

title: “Setup” teaching: 20 objectives:


Software setup

You will need to install R and RStudio to follow along during this workshop or access R and RStudio through the UIC Virtual lab. See instructions below

This workshop will take place over Zoom, please make sure you can use Zoom through the Desktop application or browser before the workshop. See instructions and tips below for participating in the workshop on Zoom.


R is a programming language that is especially powerful for data exploration, visualization, and statistical analysis. To interact with R, we use RStudio.

Install R by downloading and running this .exe file from CRAN. Also, please install the RStudio IDE. Note that if you have separate user and admin accounts, you should run the installers as administrator (right-click on .exe file and select "Run as administrator" instead of double-clicking). Otherwise problems may occur later, for example when installing R packages.

Video Tutorial

Instructions for R installation on various Linux platforms (debian, fedora, redhat, and ubuntu) can be found at <>. These will instruct you to use your package manager (e.g. for Fedora run sudo dnf install R and for Debian/Ubuntu, add a ppa repository and then run sudo apt-get install r-base). Also, please install the RStudio IDE.

Virtual Lab

If you would prefer not to install the software for this workshop on your computer, you may use the Virtual lab service run by Technology Services. This allows you to use a virtual machine either from your web browser or from a desktop app installed on your computer. Overall you may have a better experience using it from the desktop app, but the browswer should suffice for most workshops.

See browser instructions here
See desktop instructions here

Install the videoconferencing client

If you haven't used Zoom before, go to the official website to download and install the Zoom client for your computer.

Set up your workspace

Like other Carpentries workshops, you will be learning by "coding along" with the Instructors. To do this, you will need to have both the window for the tool you will be learning about (a terminal, RStudio, your web browser, etc..) and the window for the Zoom video conference client open. In order to see both at once, we recommend using one of the following set up options:

This blog post includes detailed information on how to set up your screen to follow along during the workshop.

Setup files:

Please download the following files to particpate in the workshop:
data files

About the Data Used in this Workshop:

The datasets used in this workshop are common “built-in” datasets in R, one called cars and another called colleges. This means that the datasets are already pre-loaded in R and do not need to be imported from another source (csv, excel etc.). In the workshop, you will learn how to interact with these datasets.