This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Word Cloud


Time: min

What is World Cloud?

A Word Cloud or Tag Cloud is a visual representation of text data in the form of tags, which are typically single words whose importance is visualized by way of their size and color. As unstructured data in the form of text continues to see unprecedented growth, especially within the field of social media, there is an ever-increasing need to analyze the massive amounts of text generated from these systems. A Word Cloud is an excellent option to help visually interpret text and is useful in quickly gaining insight into the most prominent items in a given text, by visualizing the word frequency in the text as a weighted list

Word clouds are normally used to display the frequency of appearance of words in a particular document or speech More frequently used words appear larger in the word cloud. The frequency is assumed to reflect the importance of the term in the context of the document.

wordcloud= WordCloud(width=1000,height=500, stopwords=STOPWORDS, background_color='white').generate(''.join(post['Post']))

Key Points