Introduction to Databases

Developing and managing efficient and effective database applications requires understanding the fundamentals of database management systems, techniques for the design of databases, and principles of database administration. This workshop is designed to provide a foundation in data management concepts and database systems. It includes basics of databases, representing information with the relational database model and manipulating data with MS Access. Also. few exercises to practice your understanding

We will be using the Microsoft Access tool for designing and creating our own databases, along with designing queries for data manipulation. The MS access tool will be free for all UIC students and the installation for the tool will be provided in the Setup page.

Workshop goals


There are no pre-requisites for this workshop, though basic understanding of working with data and statistics is recommended.

Workshop Content

Section Overview Time Estimate
Setup download and setup required software. Download data files/other required set up files 0:10 min
Intro to Database To understand the concepts of databases 0:12 min
Introduction to ER Model To get familiarized with the concepts of Relational DBMS and ER Model 0:20 min
Introduction to MS Access Introduction to MS Access application and manipulating data using MS Access 0:45 min


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Next Up…

Check out these workshops after you’ve completed this one:

  1. Introduction to SQL
  2. SQL Advanced